How do we achieve a just transition from fossil fuels?
October 5th 2016
That was the question addressed by a climate change conference held this summer by environmental groups and development charities.
The Towards Climate Safety and Justice event took place in June and was run by FEASTA, Trocaire, and Cultivate.
This week FEASTA published a report from the event which explores the ideas dealt with and discussed.
Central to the event was an exploration of of CapGlobalCarbon (CGC) framework as a way of moving away from fossil fuels.
What is CapGlobalCarbon?
CapGlobalCarbon is a proposal to create a new global system to bring about the reduction of fossil fuel use in a way that reduces poverty globally.
Under CGC, permits would be sold by auction each year to fossil fuel companies, allowing them to produce a limited amount of fossil fuel.
So there would be a binding cap on fossil fuel production. The amount of permits available would decline every year, eventually reaching zero.
Revenue from the permits would be distributed among the population on a per-capita basis, reflecting the commons-based philosophy behind CGC. If carefully implemented, this could provide some much-needed cash to individuals and communities.
It would also ensure that those who have access to fossil fuels compensate those who do not, thus providing a step towards justice. The sales of permits and distribution of the revenue would need to be handled by a neutral, independent body. The CGC team suggest setting up a Global Climate Commons Trust to undertake this task.
[x_button shape=”square” size=”regular” float=”none” href=”” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]Click here to view the FEASTA report[/x_button]
[x_button shape=”square” size=”regular” float=”none” href=”” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]Click here to find out more about CapGlobalCarbon[/x_button]
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