Damage to health, water and climate from fracking outlined to government

Published by Ian Carey on

February 10th 2017

Environmental groups have outlined to government the damaging impacts of fracking to health, water and the climate.

In a submission the Environmental Pillar, an advocacy coalition of over 28 national environmental NGOs, has made clear the serious impacts of fracking and called for politicians to support a total ban of fracking in Ireland.

The submission has been made as part of a public consultation as the bill calling for a ban on fracking makes its was through the Oireachtas.

In a statement the Environmental Pillar said:

“The Environmental Pillar supports the Bill – The Prohibition of Extraction and Exploration of Onshore Petroleum 2016, and recommends that the Committee pass this Bill to the next stage of the Dáil without delay.

“As a network we are motivated by the mounting global and national peer reviewed evidence detailing the significant risks and negative impacts associated with unconventional fossil fuel extraction on the climate, public health, water quality and the natural environment.

“The extraction of fossil fuels through fracking and unconventional extraction from Ireland would result in generating greenhouse gas emissions and would lock us into a future that continues to depend on fossil fuel use for our energy needs. This is not compatible with a
climate safe future, and is not compatible with our commitments at local, national, European and International levels to stop contributing to climate change. The unfortunate reality is that Ireland’s emissions are rising, we are going to miss our EU targets by at least 11%, and since 2012 we have not had a national plan to reduce emissions.

“The International Energy Agency, 2012 World Energy Outlook Report’s2 analysis of global fossil fuel reserves states that “No more than one-third of proven reserves of fossil fuels can be consumed prior to 2050 if the world is to achieve the 2 °C goal”. Thus, there are far more fossil fuels contained in this world, than this world has the capacity to extract, and still remain a safe place for people to live.”

The submission is split into three parts covering the area of climate change, public health, and water contamination.

[x_button shape=”square” size=”regular” float=”none” href=”http://environmentalpillar.ie/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Environmental-Pillar-Fracking-Consultation-Submission-.pdf” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]Click here to read the submission in full[/x_button]

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Ian Carey

Ian is the editor of the Green News. He works as Communications Manger with the Irish Environmental Network.