OpEd: Food in the age of the Eco-chef — Artful Soil dishes, GIY-based Menus and Zero-Waste Restaurants

  Image: baby vegetables served in an edible soil December 22nd , 2016 Can food be Art? Do chefs use food to transmit messages that go beyond flavour and presentation? It’s  a question that may seem to be bordering on the ludicrous –especially while holding a fast-food branded cheeseburger in your hands–but merely being beautiful Read more…

Zero Waste Ireland needs your support for Zero Waste Week 2016

Waste Campaigning organisation Zero Waste Ireland is making an appeal for support from the public and organisations for Zero Waste Week, from the 5th-9th September, 2016.

The charity, which advocates that waste be seen as a resource that is reused in a circular economy, is asking people, workplaces and communities to contribute to a social media campaign known as a ‘Thunderclap’, in which they share the efforts that they are taking towards producing zero waste.