Dublin Transport Strategy ‘mocks’ Climate Accord, say Friends of the Irish Environment

The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport has been accused of ‘mocking’ the 2015 Paris Climate Accord by failing to adhere to national policy and legislation in its recent Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area.

Environmental group Friends of the Irish Environment (FIE) claims that Minister Shane Ross T.D. breached his legal obligations under the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015 to ‘have regard to’ the objective of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in the department’s new strategy.

Going for a swim in the warm weather? Make sure to check the water quality first!

With temperatures hitting +30° in parts of the country today, people across the country are heading to bathing locations in droves. If you want to check the quality of the water before diving in, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have developed an online platform where they post up-to-date information regarding bathing quality, the presence of lifeguards and other important information about beaches, lakes and rivers.