A gallery of paintings that capture the beauty of Irish landscapes

Published by Conor Mulvihill on

Ireland’s scenery has inspired artists throughout history to capture the beauty of this country.  This gallery contain a selection of these paintings from painters such as George Barret Sr to Derek Hill and a variety of other artists.


William Ashford (1746 – 1824)

View of Powerscourt Demesne

deer pic


James Humbert Craig (1878-1944)

Leenane, Connemara














George Barret, Senior (1730-1784)

Powerscourt Falls



John Butts (1727 – 1764)

Poachers: View in the Dargle

Poachers: View in the Dargle circa 1760 John Butts circa 1728-1764 Purchased 1973 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/T01815


Hugh Frazer (1795–1865)

The Priory Church, Holywood, County Down

Frazer, Hugh; The Priory Church, Holywood, County Down; Belfast Harbour Commissioners; http://www.artuk.org/artworks/the-priory-church-holywood-county-down-168467


Frank Egginton (1908 – 1990)

West of Ireland Boglan



Joseph Malachy Kavanagh (1856-1918)

The Salt March, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin



Edmund Garvey (c.1740–1813)

A View of Kilkenny

Garvey, Edmund; A View of Kilkenny; National Museums Northern Ireland; http://www.artuk.org/artworks/a-view-of-kilkenny-122040


Henry Albert Hartland (1840 – 1893)

On the moors, Achill Island, Co. Mayo, Ireland



Nathaniel Grogan (the Elder) (1740–1807)

Into the Hands of the Shades



William Percy French (1854 – 1920)

Mayo Mermaids



Derek Hill, (1916 – 2000)


(c) Derek Hill Foundation; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation


Patrick Vincent Duffy (1832 – 1909)



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Conor Mulvihill

Conor is Communications Assistant with the Irish Environmental Network. His background is in science and he has a masters in international relations.