Government must support Dublin climate action plan

Published by Niall Sargent on

February 15th, 2019

The Greens have called on the Government to support a multi-council climate action plan for Dublin on the eve of the launch of a public consultation campaign for the ambitious policy plan.

The Draft Climate Change Action Plans 2019-2024 outline how the four local authorities in the capital aim to drastically cut emissions and improve energy efficiency across Dublin.

The plans also outline policy ideas to make Dublin a climate and flooding resilient region and also actively engage with citizens on climate change.

The councils have joined with Dublin’s Energy Agency Codema to develop the plans that set out how they will improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions across buildings and the transport sector.

The Dublin-wide aim is to improve energy efficiency in council buildings by 33 per cent by the end of the decade and to also reduce their emissions by 40 per cent by 2030.

Green Party Councillor Ciarán Cuffe said that the councils will need support from central Government to deliver on the likes of housing retrofits to tackle fuel poverty among low-income families.

Councillor Ciaran Cuffe Photo: Jason Clarke / The Green News

Councillor Ciaran Cuffe Photo: Jason Clarke

He also called on the Government to support plans for a county-wide cycle network to “tackle traffic congestion and improve people’s health” as well as support for LED street lights that will save the city money in the long term.

Cllr Cuffe, who co-chairs Dublin City Council’s climate committee, said that the Fine Gael-led Government is failing to show the level of vision or funding support required to pull off the ambitious aims that the Council is proposing on a national scale.

“Fourteen years ago the Green Party held a Civic Forum on Climate Change… Those who attended called on Government to commence a radical new programme to tackle change,” he said.

“Back then we agreed that we are willing to lead, rather than follow the international response to the Climate Change crisis that faces mankind. We need that leadership today.”

Cllr Cuffe was officially unveiled as the Green Party’s Dublin candidate for the upcoming European elections at a launch event in Co Galway this evening.

Senator Grace O’Sullivan will contest in the South region and Saoirse McHugh, who hails from Achill Island, will represent the party in the Midlands-North-West region.

Climate plane consultation

As part of the Dublin climate plan consultation process, each local authority in the Dublin area will hold public information events this month. The first event kicks off tomorrow at the Mansion House from 12pm to 5pm.

The free event will provide advice on everything from saving energy in homes to reducing waste to measuring their carbon footprint.

Activities include demos of Codema’s Home Energy Saving Kit, electric car test drives and composting demos. The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Nial Ring, will also officially launch of the Dublin Climate Action Regional Office.

Speaking in advance of the event tomorrow, Green Councillor Claire Byrne said that the event is a great opportunity to find out “how to save money and reduce you and your family’s carbon footprint”.

“Over the next five weeks we want you to read the plans and then tell us what need to be done by Dublin City Council to reduce our greenhouse gases and get ready for the changes that climate change will bring to Dublin City,” she said.

Dublin is already Dublin Bay’s average sea level appears to be rising faster than initially forecast and has risen by twice the global average in the last 20 years.

The number of days with heavy rainfall has also increased, and the amount of extreme flooding events in the capital has risen in the last 10 years.

Members of the public are invited to make submissions on the plans until 25 March. For details on how to make a submission and to read the draft plans, visit

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Niall Sargent

Niall is the Editor of The Green News. He is a multimedia journalist, with an MA in Investigative Journalism from City University, London