VIDEO : What is Degrowth?

Published by Marie-Amélie Brun on

8th of July, 2016

Our economy is based on capitalism. It is a system that seeks growth all time. However as Kenneth E. Boulding said : “Anyone who believes in indefinite growth in anything physical, on a physically finite planet, is either mad or an economist.”

Our society is based on the affirmation that if we want to succeed, we have to expand, to always have more goods, more physical wealth. This system has demonstrated its limits as we become aware of the waste created by this way of life, of the energy that we use and of the damage that comes along with it.

Economists have studied the idea of growth and today a new movement is growing all over the world advocating to reverse the system and adopt degrowth.

Degrowth is a notion created in the 80’s. It is a political, economic and social movement opposed to capitalism which it considered to be the source of modern problems, such as the dysfunction of the economy, work alienation and pollution.

The movement is in favour of a simple living. They want to invite the population to rethink our approach to the economy, work, consumption, money in our lives to allow us to live in harmony with nature and others. Degrowth is about fulfilling our basic needs without wanted more.

The foundation for the economics of sustainability (FEASTA) in Ireland, has been taking part of the International Conferences on Degrowth, the occasion for economists and thinkers from other disciplines to share their point of view. This year the 5th International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity will be held in Budapest from the 30th of August to the 3rd of September.

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Marie-Amélie Brun

Marie-Amélie is a contributor to the Green News. She is currently completing a Masters in International Cooperation and Multilingual Communication at the University Grenoble Alpes.