OpEd: Food in the age of the Eco-chef — Artful Soil dishes, GIY-based Menus and Zero-Waste Restaurants

  Image: baby vegetables served in an edible soil December 22nd , 2016 Can food be Art? Do chefs use food to transmit messages that go beyond flavour and presentation? It’s  a question that may seem to be bordering on the ludicrous –especially while holding a fast-food branded cheeseburger in your hands–but merely being beautiful Read more…

VIDEO: Finally… politicians speak about the environment

It feels like the election campaign has been going on for an age.But sadly there has been a total lack of coverage of the environment, climate change and sustainability issues.
Last Thursday the Environmental Pillar and Young Friends of the Earth sought to change that by hosting the one and only Environmental Hustings event.
Representatives from all the major parties were there: Mary Fitzpatrick of Fianna Fáil, Eamon Ryan of the Green Party, Richard Boyd Barrett of People before Profit, Lynn Boylan of Sinn Féin, Senator Cáit Keane of Fine Gael, and Robert Dowds of the Labour Party.

VIDEO: Ireland needs to stop pleading it’s a ‘special case’ and start doing what is necessary to meet the Paris agreement

The Irish government need to stop pleading we are a special case in relation to climate change and start doing what is needed, experts told an Oireachtas Committee this week. Members of the Stop Climate Chaos coalition this week spoke to the Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade to outline what the Paris deal means for Ireland.